Monday, June 12, 2017

Day 89-97: A week off of work

I'm sitting here watching the (hopefully final) basketball game! (Go warriors!!) I figured I would keep y'all up with my life while there are commercials! In case you don't know... I hate Lebron. Okay okay not the point! Well X has been with his dad for the last week, so I have had a week to myself... the only bad thing is Kawika has been working!! So I have literally had a lot of time to myself! I have been cleaning my house, rearranged my room, set up a mini theater room with my projector in my room! 
Kawikas little brother (E), Xavier, Kawika and I all went to Wet n wild! I seriously love water parks! 
I went and got my nails done with Wikas mom and then we were at the pool almost all day where I met some really amazing Women. We also went to a baptism/birthday party for a cousin!  
 We have also gone to the beach these last couple days! And of course church... we can't forget about church it was even stake conference!  After church we went to one of Kawikas Aunties and Uncles for lunch they were really nice down to earth people! I still can't believe that this is my life haha someone pinch me I'm dreaming! Everyone keeps asking when I'm coming back... mamma knows... it's not gunna be for a while if at all! After lunch yesterday Kawika and I went camping with our friends Pono and Jazz we went to this beach called Sandys! Waking up to the beach is probably my favorite thing ever! Plus the sunsets and sunrises are beautiful! I went on a run this morning and did some work outs on the beach! I have just been home all day catching up on my sleep and Netflix! Tonight for dinner I'm making spinach artichoke dip stuffed chicken!! I'm pumped!! 
Xoxo Sammy Jo!  

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day 88: wedding

No people it's not my wedding 😉 Kawikas cousin got married and it was such a cool wedding and reception! Wika introduced me to all of this family, but I only remember maybe 5 names hahaha! I'm terrible with names, plus it doesn't help that there is so many! It was a beautiful wedding, and it showed me some of the culture that I don't get to see everyday they did this line where people come put money on the bride or groom and they have to take it off with their teeth! It's super funny! People were putting it in their toes, ears, pretty much everywhere! I have never gone to a wedding in jeans, so that was cool! They had a band after and everyone was dancing! 
Hey have I mentioned I love it out here? Kawika got a new phone, so I'm sure y'all will be seeing lots of pictures like this hahaha 
Xoxo Sammy Jo 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

(Backup) Day 87: Wet n Wild

X and I loaded up all our stuff and started to head to Wet n wild! We have season passes, so we will be there a lot this summer! We picked up Kawika on the way, and his little brothers were gunna come, but some stuff came up. So is 3 headed to the water park! Xavier is scared of like everything, but I bribed him to try one of the tube rides! He has mixed feeling about it! Haha after the water park we went and cleaned up and picked up Kawikas little brother. We went to Ninja Which is a sushi place (yes everyone I am trying lots and lots of new stuff out here! I tried poi yesterday, and some type of fish bowl that Kawika got) then us 5 went to Wonder Woman! That movie... was awesome! Makes me wanna go do some kickboxing classes or something haha! It was a long day, so after I just came home and tried to sleep (didn't work very well) 
Xoxo Sammy Jo 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Days 60-86: I gotta be better at this

I don't know why I have been terrible at posting on here lately! But I'll be better okay? Gosh I don't even know what to say because I feel like so much has happened, but I don't want this post to be a million miles long. 
I guess I'll start with telling y'all about our little church activity! So about 20 of us all went surfing/BBQ well I was on the phone and saw someone go into the rocks, so I ran over there like I was in bay watch (minus the red swimsuit) and helped him out. I had to pull rocks out of his skin and scrub him with my NEW lava lava! Kawika and I ended up taking him to the hospital and were there for a little less than 4 hours, and it was a BLAST! Everyone was cracking jokes, laughing, it was just a party haha! Plus I was in my swim suit and my towel the whole time haha welcome to Hawaii! 
 I even had to give a talk in church the next day, so I better be getting some good karma or something! 
Umm boy wise... Alden wanted to be an idiot so I broke up with him... that's pretty much all y'all need to know about that situation. 
I have been hanging out with a local boy named Kawika (the w makes a v sound) we have been on so many fun adventures! We went to some water falls, the beach, surfing, and this really pretty floating lanterns thing they do every year! Next year we might volunteer to be the ones on the surf boards and stuff who get the lanterns out of the water!   Xavier is out of school so yesterday we were at the Buddhist temple all day feeding fish and looking around. I pet some turtles and fish. Almost went for the swan, but my best friend carrot almost died trying to do something like that a couple years back! Haha 
Wiks and I had a pirates of the Caribbean marathon... and saw the new one... it was sooo good! I'm slowly getting my room together! I went and played volleyball at the church, and some of those people are good! The boys can hit hard! Haha it was a little scary at some points haha but I held my own! I'm so sore though haha! Well I don't really have anything else to say, except yes people I am still loving it out here, more than before! Sorry mom! (She thinks I'm never coming home) I love you all so much! 
Xoxo Sammy Jo 
Oh p.s. Make sure everyone tells my mamma happy birthday! 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 51-59: so much has happened

Well as the title says, I have done so much in these last couple days! I went to sea life park first off, and it was so fun! The dolphins were my favorite part of course! I am thinking about doing a internship there when Xavier goes back to school next year! They had really good shows too, they had dolphin shows, seals, Penguins, and all the good stuff! I would highly recommend going if you haven't gone! It was so hot that day so when I was done there I went over and got a snow cone! 
The next day was beautiful weather also, so I went down to sammys beach and hung out for a couple hours... and when I say hung out I mean I fell asleep on the beach, so right now the tan lines I am having are real! 
I have been teaching Xavier how to play baseball I haven't had the chance to go buy a glove or a T yet, but it's on the list of things to do. I took some pvc pipe and made a T with it and he was potential to be really good at everything, he is very athletic it's just no one has ever taught him sports! I'm not too mad because I love sports, so if he turns out to be some professional baseball player then he gives me all the credit right? FREE MLB GAMES!! 
Well off to some bad news that happened... we ordered pizza the other night and I was going to go get it and stop at safe way for ice cream... well when I got back into my car... wouldn't start! So I got a new battery and it still wouldn't work! Well we left it over night and called a tow truck and he literally came and just dusted off some wires and it started right up how dumb huh?! I'm just glad I only had to pay like $100 for the battery instead of like $500 for something else! Melisa took the day off work so we went for a long walk on the beach, and then lunch at this Japanese place where you literally sit on the floor! It was way cool! You picked your soup base then they just brought you a whole bunch of stuff to put in it! Sausage, veggies, tofu, beef, just a whole lot of stuff! It was pretty good! 
I went and tried out two different surf boards, and of course I was out surfing until my arms literally couldn't even paddle anymore! Plus once the tide came in then the waves flattened out! It was still wayyy fun! We were there for like 3 hours! When I came home I was soooo tired but I couldn't sleep! Then that same day My church put on a cinco de mayo dance, so I went... it was kinda crazy! I guess like 5 wards were invited so there was a LOT of people there! I didn't dance much because... well I'm white and all the Polys could dance and I wasn't about to be shown up by them! I hung around a group of guys pretty much all night and ate otter pops! We didn't leave until close to about 1 then we decided to go to zippys which is like a restaurant so I didn't get home until like 2:30. I had to get up at 8 to go pick up a surfboard I just bought! Yayyy! I bought my first one, but I have to wait a little to use it! The wire in my chest is a little sore from surfing for so long so I have to wait until it feels better! I have been thinking about putting something super soft on my board so when I lay down the wire doesn't it the board, so if y'all have any ideas just let me know okay? So today when I got home from picking up my board I was soooo tired I took the best nap ever!! Plus I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick so I'm tired anyways! 
Before I go to bed, just wanted to brag about my hot boyfriend for a second!! Homeboy killed it at the ropin this weekend, and brought home the big bucks! Okay my brag is over now!
Xoxo Sammy Jo 

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Day 50: two days in a row?!

Well this morning started off like every morning and taking Xavier to school but after one of my friends from church wanted to come over to the beach with me. We got to the beach around 8 in the morning, we had some breakfast, played some volleyball, and swam a little. He was only there until about 9:30 then he had to leave to go on a hike. I stayed at MY beach until about 11... the weather was wayyy too nice to not stay! It was a good thing that I left though because I went to sleep once I got home and cleaned up, well when I woke up... my chest and my face were RED! I looked like a lobster! Once I woke up I started to clean the house and cleaned out the fridge. Then I went and got my nails done. It was pouring outside, and of course the day I look like a lobster I was seeing the most people! I had to go get power steering fluid, and go get dinner! Once I came home I ate and watched some Empire until I went to bed! 
Xoxo Sammy Jo 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Day 49: beach day!

Well today started off like every other school day! Except the pharmacy was having problems with my prescriptions so I couldn't get my medication, so I decided it probably wasn't the best idea to go run, and swim and all the other fun stuff I'm not "allowed" to do. Mom made a comment to me of "you know your heart is triggered by over emotions, so just be happy today! Easy some ice cream and talk to Alden" and Alden told me I had to take it easy all day! Wow I love being told what to do! (Sarcasm) so I have been catching up on empire today!! ITS SO GOOD! When I went and picked Xavier up from school I told him we were going to the beach, but for some reason he didn't think it was gunna be fun, so it was kinda a fight to get him into a swim suit! But he always does this and we always have fun!        And since I'm the best nanny ever of course we stopped and got a shaved ice, but I made Xavier believe it was his awesome idea! After the shaved ice we were FREEZING so all the way home we had the heater blasting IN HAWAII! Haha I know I know! I'm a baby! 
Earlier today my mom FaceTimed me and it was Remi! My mom thinks it's so funny to put the pictures on your face so Remi had some today! 
  How did I get such a cute family? Haha hashtag blessed! Melisas brother is in town, so Xavier and her went over to visit him. I'm just watching empire in my room. Tonight is a termite night so I gotta keep all the lights off! Sadly the beach wore me out so I could easily go to bed right now! 
Xoxo Sammy Jo!